Elementis plc is committed to ensuring that the content on this website is accessible to the widest range of visitors, regardless of disability.
Access Keys
Access keys are keyboard shortcuts that provide quick links to common website features, without the need to use a mouse.
To navigate with access keys:
- Windows
Hold down the 'Alt' key and the access key, followed by the 'Enter' key
Internet Explorer 7 - Hold down the 'Alt' key and the access key, release them followed by the 'Enter' key
Firefox - Hold down the 'Shift' and 'Alt' keys followed by the access key. - Macintosh
Firefox - Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and the access key.
Safari - Hold down the 'Ctrl' and 'Alt' keys followed by the access key.
The pages on this website comply with the recommended UK Government access keys standard:
S - Skip navigation
1 - Home page
2 - Press & Media
3 - Site map
4 - Search
5 - About us
8 - Terms of use
9 - Contact us
0 - Disability access
All content images on this site are provided with descriptive ALT attributes. Graphics that are purely decorative in function have empty ALT attributes, to prevent them from displaying on screen readers. Where images contain important information, such as graphs and charts, alternative information is provided in the form of inline descriptions or tabular data.
All pages contain a link to the home page (access key 1), sitemap (access key 3) and search box (access key 4).
Skip navigation (access key S) is available to users of screen readers and speech browsers, to bypass repeated page elements - such as the top and side navigation links - and jump directly to the page content.
The navigation system has been constructed in a consistent fashion to provide clear navigation pathways throughout the site.